- Zetiore won a LiL Log Cabin Auction ID: 6040381 by Buschman57
- DavyRocket won Wine n Cheese Auction ID: 6034295 by Buschman57 and Peaceful Pleasures Merlot Auction ID: 6012306 by Peaceful.
- Ceashure won a Tie Dye Banner Wall Peace Auction ID: 5969630 and Black Light Horizontal Auction ID: 6049132 by Francis_7 went to .
- Cash_Freak won Peace Candles - Animated Auction ID: 6044721 by NyteLyte.
- Neo_7899 won a V planter Auction ID: 6030025 by DavyRocket.
- susanszy and Aveena both won Therestock Posters!!
Thanks to _Emma and all of the designers who displayed and provided door prizes and to all of the Therians who attended! The next showcase is Winter Winderland on the second Wednesday of December.