Monday, May 12, 2008

May Developer Showcase Program

Welcome to the May Developer Showcase. Enjoy yourself browsing the items designed, built and painted by There's developers. Be sure to sign the Kilroy and stick around for the door prize drawing in the last 15 min of the event. You can see more items from all of the designers with displays tonight by following the links below!

TatianaFox's Auctions
Santasantita's Auctions
NyteLyte's Auctions featuring Terrace Deck - Multi Flowers
Neema's Auctions featuring Radio Tower Lift 40M
Julia the Pirate's Auctions featuring Log Furniture Blk/Gold 2 Seate
Kasss's Auctions featuring Honey Dew Tank (trans)
Greenie's Auctions
green_eyed_vel's Auctions
edward2143's Auctions featuring 2005 scion tc number 7
Dendron's Auctions
Deej_1908's Auctions featuring Wicked Girl Top
DavyRocket's Auctions featuring Cape Aurora
Ceashure's Auctions featuring GV Beach Seats
CarCus's Auctions
Banshee_Kate's Auctions featuring Picnic Lounge for Two
aztec3's Auctions
Angel_eyes Auctions featuring AE Valintina Black Top (AT)

Tonights doorprizes include:
Cape Aurora House donated by DavyRocket!
Wicked Stainless Steel Bar and a woman's Wicked Haterade Tee donated by Deej_1908!
Terrace Deck - Multi Flowers donated by NyteLyte!