Sorry the January Showcase is canceled due to server migration and an at large python.
Hazzah! for the designers planning to participating tonight:
Banshee_Kate's auctions featuring Castle Wheel - Spinning Wheel
chucci253's auctions featuring Spa Towel Wrap- Top
DavyRocket's auctions featuring (sorry Davy's auctions not avaiable)
Francis_7's auctions featuring Therenaissance Tent
Greenie's auctions featuring SMZ Stone 8 Seater
Kasss's auctions featuring Royalty Ren Fair (trans)
MeadowAngel's auctions featuring (sorry Meadow's auctions not available)
MikeCesar's auctions featuring MC Gee Turtle (M)
Neema's auctions featuring Seeing Stars Prop
NyteLyte's auctions featuring Renaissance Be the Ball - Red
Sign up for the February Showcase today! Sign up here: