- DavyRocket's Auctions featuring Aurora Vice Beach house 2 *
- Fallax's Auctions featuring Black Widow and Fallax- Flame Dragon
- Francis_7's Auctions
- Kasss's Auctions featuring Boots in Black
- MeadowAngel's Auctions featuring Saja Garden Framed Pic *
- MikeCesar's Auctions featuring MC Hearts Bikini Top and Bottom *
- Neema's Auctions featuring Binkie Prop for Women or Men *
- NyteLyte's Auctions featuring Spring Fling Dress Top and Skirt
- ScribblebyDesign's Auctions featuring Vamp / Goth Top / Pants *
- SoftlyDreamings Auctions featuring there girlfriend I'm taken (also in mens)
- Virtual_Vikki's Auctions featuring Tiki Mobile Comedy Stage Prop
Door Prizes for tonight are:
- Saja Garden Framed Pic created and doanted by MeadowAngel
- One of a Kind Men's T created and donated by ScribblebyDesign
- Tattered Sapphire Blue Top created and donated by ScribblebyDesign
- MC Hearts Bikini Top and Bottom created and donated by MikeCesar
- Binkie Prop for Women created and donated by Neema
- Binkie Prop for Men created and donatedby Neema
- Aurora Vice Beach house 2 created and Donated by DavyRocket
- Handheld Passport Prop donated by _Emma and There_Offical_Theme_Planning Group.