Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December Developer Showcase

Welcome to the December Developer Showcase. New items, seasonal fashions, home and garden and other items are on display this month! Be sure to watch the Fashion/Props show which begins 30 minutes into the showcase, pay attention to the zone boxes for doorprize give-a-ways throughout the events and visit the auction pages of our participating developers:

Critical_Eye's Auctions featuring CE: Rotating Buggy Display
Cyanuric's Auctions featuring The EL TIGR'E banner
DavyRocket's Auctions featuring 5 Dagwood Fire tree's
Kasss's Auctions featuring Envol (trans) and Envol Skirt
MeadowAngel's Auctions featuring Christmas Princess - HRAT and Christmas Princess Ext Skirt Neema's Auctions featuring Snow for Rustic Cottage V2
NyteLyte's Auctions featuring 2009 Snowglobe - Animated
Tumble_weed's Auctions featuring Tumblin Denim Jacket and Skirt designed by Dalriada for Tumblin Hood
vmcl1998's Auctions featuring Garden Path - 10M Straight

Also featuring There_gifts items: Proto Vixen Orange Hat and Nog by Francis_7 also available in Grey for men, 2009 HCD Sleddy the Teddy by Orielle, Holiday Charity Stocking by Banshee_Kate, 2009 Holiday Magic by ZMW by ZachC and UNHCR Charity Tee M Black and UNHCR Charity Top F Red by Mercuria. Thank you to all these designers for contributing to the charity.

DOORPRIZES===== will be awarded throughout the event!
  • The last doorprize tonight will be a 9000t donation to the Holiday Charity in your name with the Charity Shirt of your choice donated by NyteLyte won by RockinRhonda.
  • Santa Gnome designed and donated by DavyRocket won by never_hot_enough.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November Developer Showcase

Welcome to the November Developer Showcase. New items, seasonal fashions, home and garden and other items are on display this month! Be sure to watch the Fashion/Props show which begins 30 minutes into the showcase, pay attention to the zone boxes for doorprize give-a-ways throughout the events and visit the auction pages of our participating developers:

DOORPRIZES===== will be awarded throughout the event!
Eat, Drink and Be Merry Sign designed and donated by NyteLyte won by vmcl1998.

MC Wiper Glasses - Pink and Grey designed and donated by MikeCesar won by Bareges and Coolnet560

DRX Jammer Guitar (Snake) and DRX Jammer Guitar (Hot Pink) designed and donated by DavyRocket won by MikeCesar and Iamcarlita

Thanks to all who displayed and all who attended. See you next month!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October Showcase

Boo! It's the October Developer Showcase! New and spooy items are on display. Be sure to watch the Fashion/Props show which begins 30 minutes into the showcase, pay attention to the zone boxes for doorprize give-a-ways throughout the event and visit the auction pages of our participating developers:

Banshee_Kate's Auctions featuring Bravest of Hearts Prop, Top and Bottom
DavyRocket's Auctions featuring Bat wing ceiling fan
Disky's Auctions featuring caterpiller prop, top & bottoms
Flygirl_Dani's Auctions featuring SAILOR GIRL HAIR - blonde, top & skirt.
Francis_7's Auctions
KiNgBeEr's Auctions featuring Black Web Board (see Kingbeer to purchase)
MeadowAngel's Auctions featuring Ragged Witch Top & Skirt
MikeCesar's Auctions featuring MC Spiritism Table
NyteLyte's Auctions featuring Banana Costume Prop
ScribbleByDesign's Auctions featuring Boo Board
vmcl1998's Auctions featuring Cave 8 Seater (Light Rock)
xtrasexy's Auctions featuring Backstabber FS Art
Virtual_Vicki's Auctions featuring Ultimate Halloween Robot Girls

DOORPRIZES===== will be awarded throughout the event!
(one prize per person per month)

  • Backstabber FS Art designed and donated by xtrasexy won by MeadowAngel
  • Cave 8 Seater (Tiki) designed and donated by vmcl1998 won by KiNgBeEr
  • Bat wing ceiling fan designed and donated by DaviRocket Gidget1969
  • MC Home Theater designed and donated by MikeCesar won by x_Kiva_x
  • 3D Glasses Women designed and donated by Virtual_Vicki won by Chicci253
  • Boo Board designed and donated by ScribbleByDesign won by Coolangatta
  • FGD - ANIMATED EMOTER STAND V2 designed and donated by Flygirl_Dani won by MikeCesar
  • Choice of any mask made by NyteLyte - donated by NyteLyte won by vmcl1998

    Special Doorprizes this month:
    Monthly Developer Showcase Signs to Bareges, vmcl1998 and DaviRocket

Thanks all! See you next month!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Developer Showcase Event Sign - Available members can help support the Monthly Developer Showcase by posting a Showcase Event sign in their LOT, PAZ or Hood. This sign is in auctions at the wholesale cost of 1650t and NyteLyte will cover the costs of auction listings. Developers - consider purchasing a sign for your hood owner to display.

Notice that the bottom of the sign says: Click Here for Info. This allows you to place a document in the sign with a link to the Showcase Blog or the sign can be sunk into the ground to hide the "click here message'. Here is some suggested text for a document placed inside the sign:
Please join There's Developers as they showcase new and themed items on the second Wednesday of every month! Designers of all kinds will have their fashions, vehicles, home and garden, props, and other items on display from 9:00-10:30 Eastern. A fashion and prop show will be held during the middle half hour and door prizes will be awarded throughout the evening. Everyone is welcome! Sign up today from the Monthly Developer Showcase BLOG:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September Showcase

Welcome to the September Developer Showcase. New items, fall fashions and home and garden and pirate themed items are on display this month! Be sure to watch the Fashion/Props show which begins 30 minutes into the showcase, pay attention to the zone boxes for doorprize give-a-ways throughout the events and visit the auction pages of our participating developers:

ZachC's Auctions featuring 2009 ZMW Buccaneer
xtrasexy's Auctions featuring Lighthouse X
PcMan's Auctions featuring Pc Time Flies When You're Having Rum (F) & (M)
NyteLyte's Auctions featuring Adventure Ornaments 20m*
Neema's Auctions featuring Air Racing Obstacle Cone
minxyx's Auctions featuring Hooochie dress top & Hooochie ext dress skirt
MikeCesar's Auctions featuring MC BirdieBike - Classic
MeadowAngel's Auctions featuring Scarlet's Dress Top & Bottom
Kasss's Auctions featuring Rich Burgundy and Rich Burgundy Skirt*
Kaitlyn's Auctions featuring Autism Awareness Shirt
Greenie's Auctions featuring SMZ 20-25m Stone Ring-01
Francis_7's Auctions featuring Pirate Council 1 8 Avatar Seat
Dolleyes's Auctions featuring Brown Leather Ladies Jacket
DavyRocket's Auctions featuring Belle Vue Cabin*
Ceashure's Auctions featuring GV Beard and Bottle

DOORPRIZES===== will be awarded throughout the event!
Jar of lightning bugs designed and donated by NyteLyte won by AngieS
Rich Burgundy top and Rich Burgundy Skirt designed and donated by Kasss won by DaviRocket won by AngieS
Belle Vue Cabin designed and donated by DavyRocket
Leather and lace ext pants and Leather and lace basque designed and donated by minxyx won by PcMan

Thanks to all who displayed and all who attended. See you next month!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August Developer Showcase Program

Thanks to all who displayed and all who attended. See you next month!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July Showcase Program

Welcome to the July Developer Showcase. New, favorite and game themed items are on display this month! Be sure to watch the Fashion/Props show which begins 30 minutes into the showcase and visit the auction pages of our participating developers:


Large Limestone Fireplace designed and donated by NyteLyte won by Thanna

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June Showcase

Welcome to the June Developer Showcase. New, favorite and Jungle themed items are on display this month! Be sure to watch the Fashion/Props show which begins 30 minutes into the showcase and visit the auction pages of our participating developers:

aztec3's Auctions featuring aztec3 Airbase Ver 6 Anim Blue
DavyRocket's Auctions featuring Seaside Simplicity II*
Kasss's Auctions featuring Men's K Jeans - Plum *
marisa9's Auctions featuring Red-crowned Crane (Dance)
MeadowAngel's Auctions featuring Mystic Purple Tee -AT
MikeCesar's Auctions featuring MC RC-Helicopter*
Neema's Auctions featuring 80m Island Piece 1-4*
NyteLyte's Auctions featuring Centerpiece - Forest and Ivory*
Virtual_Vicki's Auctions featuring Safari Hat for Brave hairstyle
Z9M_Fusion's Auctions featuring Orange Brawler Z9M

Tonights Doorprizes

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April Developer Showcase Program

Welcome to the April Developer Showcase. Please take the time to look around at the displays. The Fashion/Prop show will begin about 30 minutes into the event. Doorprizes (listed at the bottom of this post) will be given away in the last 15 minutes of the event.

Duck Floaty - Prop donated by NyteLyte
MC Baby Stroller donated by MikeCesar
Potted Tiger Plant and Potted Elephant Ears donated by DavyRocket
Pink Flower Halter Top and Pink Flower Skirt donated by ScribblebyDesign
One of the new There Girl Hairs or for a Man, any guy shop hair donated by _Emma

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Winners

Saja Garden Framed Pic created and doanted by MeadowAngel WON BY Blake.
One of a Kind Men's T created and donated by ScribblebyDesign WON by Lanaiya
Tattered Sapphire Blue Top created and donated by ScribblebyDesign won by f4llb4k
MC Hearts Bikini Top and Bottom created and donated by MikeCesar WON BY Softlydreaming
Binkie Prop for Women created and donated by Neema WON BY Davyrocket.
Binkie Prop for Men created and donatedby Neema WON BY Spookie
Aurora Vice Beach house 2 created and Donated by DavyRocket WON BY SuperFlorecita
Handheld Passport Prop donated by _Emma and There_Offical_Theme_Planning Group WON BY Mary_Katt

Thank you to all of the participants who came, all the designers who displayed and to _Emma, Maebee and Nema for cohosting.

Monday, March 9, 2009

March Developer Showcase

Welcome to the March Developer Showcase. Please take the time to look around at the displays. The Fashion/Prop show will begin about 30 minutes into the event. Doorprizes (listed at the bottom of this post) will be given away in the last 15 minutes of the event.


Door Prizes for tonight are:

  1. Saja Garden Framed Pic created and doanted by MeadowAngel
  2. One of a Kind Men's T created and donated by ScribblebyDesign
  3. Tattered Sapphire Blue Top created and donated by ScribblebyDesign
  4. MC Hearts Bikini Top and Bottom created and donated by MikeCesar
  5. Binkie Prop for Women created and donated by Neema
  6. Binkie Prop for Men created and donatedby Neema
  7. Aurora Vice Beach house 2 created and Donated by DavyRocket
  8. Handheld Passport Prop donated by _Emma and There_Offical_Theme_Planning Group.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February Showcase Program

Thank you for coming to the February Developer Showcase. Please visit the auctions of tonight's displaying There designers:

Tonights door prizes include:

  • Choice of Be the Beach Ball or Be the Ball - Soccer Prop by NyteLyte.
  • Choice of Gee Turtle Male or Female Prop by MikeCesar.
  • GV Bathroom Set - 1 Drop by Ceashure.
  • Spunk in a Bowl Picture by Kasss.
  • Ski Pole Flag by Neema.
  • Classroom Bookshelf Empty by Virtual_Vikki

Schedule (in Eastern): 9:00-9:30 Welcome and wander the displays, 9:30-10:00 Prop and Fashion Show, 10:00-10:45 Visit displays, 10:45-11:00 Door Prizes

February Developer Showcase

Wednesday, February 11th at 9:00pm Eastern.

Join the Developers of There for the February Developer Showcase. Valentine items for your sweetheart and There Games items to cheer on your team will be displayed!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January Developer Showcase

Sorry the January Showcase is canceled due to server migration and an at large python.
Hazzah! for the designers planning to participating tonight:

Banshee_Kate's auctions featuring Castle Wheel - Spinning Wheel
chucci253's auctions featuring Spa Towel Wrap- Top
DavyRocket's auctions featuring (sorry Davy's auctions not avaiable)
Francis_7's auctions featuring Therenaissance Tent
Greenie's auctions featuring SMZ Stone 8 Seater
Kasss's auctions featuring Royalty Ren Fair (trans)
MeadowAngel's auctions featuring (sorry Meadow's auctions not available)
MikeCesar's auctions featuring MC Gee Turtle (M)
Neema's auctions featuring Seeing Stars Prop
NyteLyte's auctions featuring Renaissance Be the Ball - Red

Sign up for the February Showcase today! Sign up here: